James downie washington post
James downie washington post

james downie washington post

After taking office last year, she famously spent 45 minutes on the phone seeking wisdom from her hero Corbyn. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, had been working her Twitter fingers posting support for the Labour Party leader. I have been very impressed by the campaign that he has been running." In speaking of Corbyn two years ago, Sanders told the Guardian, "I think he is doing quite well. With impeccable timing, Sanders' organizing director, Claire Sandberg, tweeted the campaign's endorsement of Corbyn the night before the election. Sanders has little to do with Corbyn, they insist.

james downie washington post

The Sanders cult now argues that the U.K. It should drain support from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the two hard-left candidates, who'd surely lose to Trump. There is another way Labour's drubbing could work in the Democrats' favor. One suspects that a good number of voters who took a chance on him before will not take the bait this time. It's a safe bet that before the 2020 election, Trump will conjure up some bold-sounding plan purporting to ensure that everyone has affordable health coverage - with every intention of dropping it should he win. To see how little middle- and working-class Americans care to lose their health-care security, consult the results of the 2018 midterm elections. By contrast, Trump has been doing his darndest to dismantle our market-oriented Affordable Care Act. On the contrary, Johnson campaigned fervently for strengthening the United Kingdom's socialist health-care system.

James downie washington post